Courses: 1 - 5 of 5
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30 ways to make more time
Managing your time effectively
The aim To show individuals when and where time management is a priority in their working lives, and how they can learn to manage their time more effectively. About the program Most people may think they are efficient. But unless they know how to manage their time, it's unlikely they will ever be fu... read more
The importance of mistakes
Aim To create a more relaxed attitude in which creativity can flourish. The video This program takes place at a live presentation to one of the USA's most prestigious training forums. Cleese tackles the thought-prov
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Meetings, bloody meetings (2012 Edition)
How to make meetings more productive
This training resource will...Enable people to organise and chair meetings that are more effective and more motivating for those who attend. "I've got to go to a meeting"It's a phrase that makes most people's hearts sink. It echoes with boredom, frustration and a general waste of valuable time. And ... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Presentation is everything
Presentation is Everything is a new ‘video short’ resource from Video Arts. The aimTo help individuals structure and deliver effective presentations: and avoid death by PowerPoint. About this video resource We've all sat through pres
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Receiving feedback - advanced skills (from the feedback solutions series)
DVD style course with completion certificate only